Here, you will find the English versions of the cover stories and other articles of editor's choice published each month in Polska Zbrojna magazine. If you want to be updated on every new article in this section, sign up for our newsletter (below). Enjoy reading!
Tensions are growing in the Baltic Sea. After a series of incidents that damaged underwater power cables, NATO has launched Operation Baltic Sentry. The battle that the Alliance is fighting is a little like a fight against a shadow, though it can be won.
Systems that support reconnaissance, predict enemy movements, or even autonomously conduct combat – seemed like a futuristic dream barely a few decades ago. Today, artificial intelligence is joining the army all over the world. |
Conversations with Marcin Terlikowski, a specialist on international security, about how the European Union is reorganizing its arms sector to quickly increase the member states’ defense capabilities in the interview with Tadeusz Wróbel. |
Many experts and politicians convince us that Europe must stand on its own feet. This has nothing to do with the idea that the USA could give up on Europe. NATO is doing well. In the coming years, however, Americans’ eyes will focus on Asia, regardless of who will rule in the White House. |
With Krzysztof Jaworski on the new NATO command and the growing role of the Baltic Sea in the European security system talks Łukasz Zalesiński. |
Less Foreign in a Foreign Country Intercultural awareness is important for politics, business, tourism, and above all for the army. The ignorance about the right cultural context can affect the safety of soldiers, as well as the success of an operation. |
Right Equipment for Right Time Damian Ratka and Łukasz Wyszyński talk to Tadeusz Wróbel and Krzysztof Wilewski about the priorities for the modernization of the Polish Army and the need to strengthen the domestic defense industry. |
The Polish army has not conducted operations on such a scale for decades. First, thousands of soldiers were deployed to the south of Poland to fight the flood, then, when the great water fell, cleaning and reconstruction began. |
From mine warfare to reconnaissance tasks, searching for submarines and countering enemy surface vessels – drones are increasingly marking their presence in the maritime domain. |
It’s been 30 years. It seems hard to believe, but Buzdygan Awards were first awarded at a time when Poland was not yet a member of NATO, and soldiers could only dream of advanced Western equipment. However, despite passing years, the Award has not lost any of its prestige, and the winners call it a military Oscar. |
There is no such a center in the whole of Europe. The Academic Center for Underwater Technologies has been launched at the Polish Naval Academy, which will combine the tasks of the training and research facility. It will also become an important element in the NATO system of rescuing the crews of damaged submarines and military divers. |
Undersea pipelines, oil platforms, power plants, and... electronic banking – critical infrastructure is all of this. Without it, state functioning is difficult to imagine. Therefore, dozens of businesses and entities are involved in the complex system of its protection. The military also has a role to play here. Though formally speaking, military tasks are different. |
Events such as the Olympics require extraordinary security measures. No wonder that in addition to a large group of Polish athletes in Paris, the Polish Armed Forces also have their representatives. They make sure that dangerous incidents do not occur during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. |
Stabilization of the situation in the region torn by internal conflict – such a task was given to staff members from Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine during Exercise Three Swords. International exercise is a key test in a three-year training cycle of the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade. |
The Suwałki Gap is one of the ignition points on the map of the world, and at the same time – one of the favorite topics of Belarusian and Russian propaganda. However, the probability that a narrow piece of land between Poland and Lithuania will become the arena of military confrontation is extremely low today. |
It seems like a while has passed since we were fastening our seatbelts in AWACS, and here we were – already landing at the airport. Yet, it has been seven hours since take-off. There was so much going on onboard that I did not notice the passing time. |
With Wiesław Kukuła on the importance of maintaining the high combat readiness of Polish army, the need to create a transformation command and on building the ability to prevent potential threats talk Maciej Chilczuk and Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek. |
The Art of Protection of Historic Buildings and Monuments War destroys what is most precious to every nation: the past, memory and identity. Although 70 years have passed since the adoption of the Haque Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, and the problem is still relevant, as evidenced by war situation in Ukraine. |
They Will Check The Training Results in Combat Stopping an enemy attack, leading an assault, learning to operate Javelin launchers and mastering the principles of first aid on the battlefield – this is how Ukrainian soldiers prepare to operate on the front line within the EU mission. We had a rare opportunity to observe the training up close. |
Equipment Tailored to the Needs Functional uniforms in effective camouflage, new bulletproof vests and composite helmets are not only about the comfort, but also about the safety of soldiers. |
With Damian Szacawa about Sweden’s long way to NATO, and the benefits of its membership for the Alliance and… the Polish Navy talks Łukasz Zalesiński. |
Redeployment of troops over a distance of several hundred kilometers, two river crossings on the way, and finally a joint defense operation on the eastern flank – this is the scenario of the Polish army’s most important exercise in years. It included 20,000 troops from ten NATO states. |
With Grzegorz Kostrzewa-Zorbas, Wojciech Lorenz and Witold Rodkiewicz about the significance of NATO membership for Poland, deterrence strategy and the engagement of the North Atlantic Alliance outside the treaty area talk Tadeusz Wróbel and Łukasz Zalesiński. |
With Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense, on Poland's position in NATO and the transformation of the Polish military, talks Magdalena Miernicka. |
25 years ago, we expected NATO to “only” guarantee our security. Today, Poland is one of the pillars of this security in the region. This metamorphosis is not a coincidence, but a result of the hard work of military personnel who connected their professional lives with NATO institutions. |
Poland is expanding its coastal missile defense, joining other countries, such as Estonia, Latvia and Finland, which have also decided to do that. Why has such solution become so popular? |
Ukraine has bought us time. Military professionals keep saying that now we have to use it the best we can. Analysts are closely monitoring the situation behind our eastern border, drawing conclusions and trying to implement them in training. |
130 days at sea, three large exercises and as many countermine operations, 18 visited ports in different countries – that’s a summary of a recently completed mission of PKW Czernicki ship within the frames of the NATO SNMCMG1. For the Polish Navy – absolutely exceptional one. |
Green and black tactics, live-fire exercises and demanding trainings. Volunteers from the voluntary basic military service work hard to start their professional career among special operations forces troops. |
The Polish Armed Forces have already engaged the first crews and technicians trained to operate Abrams tanks, and soon they will also have instructors. Over a dozen soldiers are currently undergoing the certification process under American supervision at the Land Forces Training Center (CSWL). |
The Art of Drawing Conclusions People can learn a lot from the press or the Internet. Today, however, the problem is not how to access information, but how to interpret it correctly. Therefore, analyzing open sources of information may be crucial for state security. |
People outstanding and charismatic, visionaries and precursors who change the face of the Polish Armed Forces with their work and ideas. This – in short – characterizes all Buzdygany Winners, who during the past 29 years won the prize awarded by Polska Zbrojna. |
We Cannot Economize on Security In order to build an effective defense system, all its areas must be thoroughly developed – ground troops, air force, navy, special forces and the cyber domain. |
In order to effectively operate on the battlefield, modern armies need space technologies. |
Breakthrough for the Polish Armed Forces The Homeland Defense Act gives us the conviction that we are strong, and that we will be even stronger. |
It has been a year since the Homeland Defense Act went into effect. The new solutions, aimed to increase interest in the military, make the conditions of service more attractive and modernize the Polish Armed Forces. Have these goals been achieved? |
Philosophy Behind Operating a Leopard Tank crew members, sappers, military medics – thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are undergoing training in Western Europe. Many of them come to train at the Leopard Training Center. |
NATO's Collective Air Defense is the essence of the idea behind the creation of the North Atlantic Alliance – together we are stronger. The new Polish air defense system will be its key component. |
With Norbert Iwanowski about the work on the formation of the 1st Legions Infantry Division, the largest tactical union in the Polish Armed Forces, which has just received the most state-of-the-art equipment, talks Ewa Korsak. |
With Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, about advanced armament, systematic strengthening of combat potential of the Polish Armed Forces and the challenges for 2023 talk Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek and Krzysztof Wilewski. |
After the Nord Stream gas pipeline blasts, the protection of underwater infrastructure became crucial for NATO states. A significant role can be played here by the Kormoran II-class ships just entering service. |
The experiences of the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan have transformed military medicine, and helped develop the skills of medical personnel. Now it is time for another lesson – the war in Ukraine has shown that rescuers must focus their particular attention to prolonged care of the injured patient. |
Modern armed conflicts show undeniable importance of unmanned aerial vehicles on the battlefield. However, do we know how to fight them? |
Military transport aircraft with the white and red checkerboard fly to Western European countries, Scandinavia, the Middle and Far East or Africa. They execute a variety of different tasks, so it is crucial for the fleet of Polish transport aircraft to grow and develop. |
The Fall of the Superpower Myth With Malina Kaszuba on Russia’s superpower ambitions and the shrinking sphere of Russian political influences in the world talks Tadeusz Wróbel. |
How Much Does Independence Weigh? Russian attack on Ukraine made many stop to associate independence barely with annual celebrations. Almost half of the Poles fear that it may be lost. At the same time, their trust in the army is stable and high, and the support for NATO membership is higher than ever. |
In the past months, we have been observing intensified arms procurement in Poland. War in Ukraine made that in many other NATO states the number of defense investments have also increased. |
Without a strong, large and well-equipped army, there is no strong Poland.
Collective Defense is Priority With Tomasz Szatkowski about the decisions taken at the NATO summit in Madrid, reinforcing the eastern NATO flank and the security of Poland talks Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek. |
NATO recognized Russia as the most significant and immediate threat, formally invited Sweden and Finland to join the Alliance, and set to reinforce collective defense mechanisms. All this confirms that the post-Cold War chapter in world history can be considered as closed. |
It was a real test for the allies. During Exercise Defender Europe 2022, soldiers from Poland, the USA, the UK, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and France proved that NATO’s motto – “Strong Together,” is more than just words. |
The Territorial Defense Forces (TDF) must create an integral part of the modern army. The assumptions made years ago by Poland, the Baltic and the Nordic States have proved to be correct, which has been confirmed by the experiences of the war in Ukraine. |
Long distance running, CrossFit, mountain climbing, martial arts, or maybe yoga and meditation? Soldiers do a lot of different sports. Many of them have championship titles on the national and international level. |
Anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense system, which is now being formed in the Polish army, will be one of the most advanced arsenal in the world. |
Creating an Interconnected, Coherent System With Mariusz Błaszczak, Polish Minister of National Defense, on the conclusions drawn from Russian aggression on Ukraine, talks Tadeusz Wróbel. |
With Mateusz Lachowski on Ukrainian unity, crimes of Russian soldiers, and national identity reinforced by war, talks Michał Zieliński. |
The Miecznik frigates will revolutionize both the Polish Navy and the domestic shipbuilding industry. |
Due to the initiatives that have been undertaken for many years now, the ranks of the Polish army are gradually growing. The solutions included in the Homeland Defense Act are to additionally encourage people to start military service. |
Fire control trainings, CSAR exercises and joint operations – these are only some of the tasks that have been executed during the last few weeks by the soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division. Most of them shoulder to shoulder with Polish troops. |
With Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of National Defense, on how the Homeland Defense Act will influence increasing the defensive capabilities of the Polish Armed Forces, talk Paulina Glińska and Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek. |
With Jakub Jakóbowski on the asymmetric Russian-Chinese alliance and the military cooperation between the two states talk Małgorzata Schwarzgruber and Tadeusz Wróbel. |
Russia’s aggression in Ukraine is an unjustified attack on an independent country, and the greatest security crisis Europe has faced since the end of WWII. The events taking place in Ukraine deserve utmost condemnation as an unlawful and unprovoked act of aggression, which discloses the real objectives of the Kremlin’s imperial policy. Upon Vladimir Putin’s order, the Russian armed forces – violating all laws and international instruments, including those signed by Russia – attacked the territory of a neighboring country, an independent state which has a full right to defend its land and people. |
Tracking submarines, saving shipwreck survivors, combat missions – what are the tasks awaiting the crews of the AW101 helicopters? |
For contemporary soldiers, the traditions of the Home Army are more than just symbols. They continue the work of the Home Army soldiers who began their mission 80 years ago. |
Gavia, Hugin, DriX – the list of unmanned systems used by the Polish Navy is getting longer. Although maritime unmanned systems will never replace ships, still they can increase their potential, and become an important element in the system of international security. |
The crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border has been the most serious test for the Polish border protection system in decades, and a key role is played by Polish Border Guard and Polish army. |
Border Protection Is a Priority With Tomasz Piotrowski, on how the uniformed services are handling the non-military crisis situation brought about by Alexander Lukashenko’s regime, talks Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek. |
“I, a soldier of the Polish Armed Forces, solemnly swear to loyally serve to the Republic of Poland, and defend its independence and its borders.” |
Light Equipment for Light Infantry Territorial Defense Forces (TDF) are growing in strength, not only in terms of the number of soldiers. The youngest service of the Polish Armed Forces has at its disposal very advanced, top quality armament and equipment. |
With Maciej Klisz about the support from local administration and local people of Podlasie and Lublin regions, about cooperation with the Border Guards and counteracting illegal migration talks Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek.
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The word ‘logistics’ includes many mechanisms and activities needed in every army, also in the Polish Armed Forces. What they need to be effective in is modern IT systems. |
We accompany soldiers in garrisons, on training fields and on the missions. We are where they are – in situations which change the face of entire army, or during regular duties of soldiers. In their happy and their tragic moments… |
With Paweł Soloch, about Russia’s aggressive policy, threats arising from the situation in Afghanistan, and the economic expansion of China, talks Tadeusz Wróbel. |
Outer space is a battlefield – the Americans said some time ago, and created a brand new service branch of the armed forces – US Space Force. A similar path is also followed by other countries: from China through Russia and India to Great Britain or France. Are we to witness star wars in the future? |
Cost: 8 billion zlotys. Goal: to procure three multirole frigates which will significantly increase the striking force of the Polish Navy. The contract on building three Miecznik-class vessels has already been signed. The work has been commenced. The first vessel is to be ready in 2028. |
Advantages of Efficient Organization Interview with Sebastian Chwałek, President of the Management Board of the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ). |
Interview with the Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak |
The HMS C3IS Jasmine combat management system has been used by the Polish army for three years now. Experience gained during that time encouraged the idea to develop the system’s functionality. |
Exercise Sea Breeze is one of many elements of the cooperation program between NATO and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During this year’s edition, over 30 ships, including heavily equipped US destroyers, operated in the Black Sea. |
Military Service Is a Constant With the Polish Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, on the interest in military service and the challenges faced by Polish soldiers, talk Paulina Glińska and Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek. |
The road to becoming a professional soldier has never been this short. More and more people are taking this opportunity and entering the army ranks. |
Attention, Food Reinforcement! The effectiveness of soldiers does not only depend on proper equipment, armament or training. Equally important is good quality food. |
With Tomasz Piotrowski about ending the Resolute Support mission, about the security situation in Afghanistan and the changes in the Polish Armed Forces that have taken place throughout the almost 20-year presence of Polish troops at the foothills of Hindu Kush talks Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek. |
Polish pilots who have completed the F-35 simulator trainings in the USA tell us about the capabilities of fifth-generation fighters. |
They provide assistance to GROM special operations, commandos from Lubliniec and Formoza, but they are also prepared for independent activity in enemy rear or a fight with a heavily armed adversary. |
How do you quickly transport armed forces across the Atlantic, distribute them throughout Europe and fight off an enemy attack while cooperating with both Allies and partners from outside NATO? Another attempt to answer these questions was undertaken by the Americans during Exercise Defender Europe 2021. |
For years, Polish soldiers have been present in many regions of conflict in the world. They have served in European states, in Africa, and in the Middle East. Their participation in missions has radically changed our army. For the better. |
Three veterans, three different stories that have one thing in common. Foreign mission experience not only had an impact on their career, but it also changed their lives. |
The combination of man and machine is not a thing of the distant future anymore. Research in that area seems particularly interesting in the context of creating cyborg supersoldiers. |
With Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of National Defense, on the procurement of coastal defense ships and experience gained from the Gawron program, talks Krzysztof Wilewski. |
Military service is more than just training ground exercises and foreign missions. After putting on a uniform, soldiers can still pursue many different professional careers and achieve success in many fields. |
With Tomasz Pugacewicz on how Joe Biden’s presidency will affect the defense of NATO’s eastern flank, who can be a counterbalance to China, and whether we can expect any changes in the US-Israeli relations, talks Michał Zieliński. |
One Hundred Seconds to Annihilation New types of weapons, modified strategies of their use, and even secret build-up of arsenals – despite the fact that the Cold War is over and digital technologies have taken over the world, the importance of nuclear weapons has not diminished. It is also becoming harder to work out nuclear control mechanisms. |
Multinational Division North East Headquarters is the youngest NATO structure in Poland. The list of tasks for soldiers who serve there is rather long. |
It took the army over a year to test whether the purchased new model of ICT nodes, the most important devices in the command and communication network, meets all cybersecurity requirements.
Feather sticks, Siberian log fires and A-shaped shelters. Sounds mysterious? Not for the reconnaissance troops of the 15th Mechanized Division, who perfected their navigation and survival skills at a training in the Bieszczady Mountains. |
A Year Under Special Supervision Every day, several thousand soldiers engage in the fight with the coronavirus pandemic. Although there are many pandemic-related tasks to execute, the army does not forget about training. Soldiers perform combat duties, go to foreign missions and train on proving grounds. |
With the Polish Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, on the functioning of the military during the pandemic and the challenges awaiting the army in 2021, talk Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek and Magdalena Miernicka. |
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) do not apply only to computer games or movie special effects. Such solutions are also often applied in the army. |
The detachments on duty within the NATO Response Force (NRF) are constantly being tested. One of such detachments is the 21st Podhale Rifles Brigade, which has spent the last several months, almost incessantly, on Polish and foreign training grounds. |
The crew of a W-3 Sokół military helicopter have been on duty in the Tatra Mountains since the middle of November. The soldiers are supporting the Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue (TOPR) in rescue operations. |
It is one of those values that have the power to unite people across divides. But how do we define independence today? Is it being proud of your country, or the freedom to exercise discretion, fostering national identity, or perhaps the memory of our ancestors’ merits? |
The nature of the mission in Afghanistan has changed, it doesn’t mean though that the coalition forces can stop being prepared for threats. The soldiers of the 10th Panzer Cavalry Brigade do know that, and they will soon send their 13th PMC rotation in Operation Resolute Support. |
The exercises of Polish and American fighters were controlled from the ground by navigators at Balice airport and from the air by the crew of a NATO AWACS aircraft. |
The Americans are taking the lead of the Combat Battalion Group, which for over three years has been stationed in Europe. Considering the fact that in July the 7th rotation started, about several thousand US Army soldiers stayed in Masuria in that period. |
It is equipped with a 155-mm gun, which can fire 6 rounds per minute and has a range of up to 40 km, as well as protection and warning systems. Soldiers talk about the assets of the most powerful howitzer in the Polish Armed Forces. |
For many European states, the presence of the US forces on the Old Continent is a guarantee of security. |
Americans have decided to significantly increase the strength of their forces in Poland. What have been the benefits of the US Army’s presence in Poland in the recent years, and what can it bring in the future? |
With Mariusz Błaszczak on enhanced American presence in Poland and increasing security on the eastern flank talks Łukasz Zalesiński. |
Lesson on How to Overcome Difficulties Dariusz Majchrzak, Piotr Wilczyński and Jacek Żołnierkiewicz in the debate on serious crises in defense industry and tendencies in the arms trade market. |
Arrange an orderly withdrawal, jump away from the enemy and reorganize own units; then halt the march of the Red Army at the gates of the capital and lead an attack from the Southern Wing – a successful outcome of that plan bordered on a miracle. However, “miracle” is not a good word to describe what happened near Warsaw in the middle of August 1920. |
With Norman Davies about Józef Piłsudski’s risky move and drawing conclusions from the 1920 victory, talks Piotr Korczyński. |
The main tasks of the military chemical forces include detection, identification and elimination of all kinds of contamination. Recently, however, it was not a chemical threat that put them in the state of readiness, but the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. |
Six thousand Polish and American soldiers took part in Exercise Allied Spirit 2020, linked to Exercise Defender Europe 2020. |
In Lombardy, they struggled for the lives and good health of patients with COVID-19 disease. Later, rich in experience, they went on expert missions to Slovenia and the United States. |
The coronavirus pandemic has simply confirmed what everybody was theoretically aware about: effective functioning of this or other institution is not enough to deal with this crisis. Each of us is equally responsible for the safety of the entire community. |
On the exposed rocks of the Monte Cassino hill, medics had to work miracles to save lives of wounded soldiers. |
Artificial intelligence is no longer science fiction, but reality that each of us deals with one way or another. In the army, it is now necessary to use self-learning algorithms on a wide scale. |
With Jarosław Mokrzycki on how the army is already preparing for challenges awaiting them a decade, two, or even three decades from now, talks Krzysztof Wilewski. |
With Polish Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, on the engagement of the armed forces in the fight with COVID-19 and activities undertaken to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, talks Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek. |
Millions of dollars were invested by Americans in 2019 to improve infrastructure of Polish military training fields. As part of Exercise Resolute Castle, the engineering detachments modernized roads and shooting ranges, and erected new buildings. |
Some people save human life, others protect it. They all, however, are passionate about what they do, and are great professionals of broad and long-earned experience.
They train together, they exercise and meet challenges together. The army operationally supports other uniform services during various crisis situations and such events as NATO summit. |
With Mariusz Błaszczak, the Minister of National Defense, on NATO’s eastern flank, increasing defense expenditures and the number of reserve personnel, talk Paulina Glińska and Tadeusz Wróbel. |
In August 1941, on the press market in Nowy Targ appeared a weekly for Wehrmacht soldiers, Germans and Volksdeutsche. It was the Poles whot published the weekly – to provoke ferment in enemy ranks. |
With Rajmund T. Andrzejczak on the vision of the Polish Armed Forces in 2035 and the multi-domain joint operations concept talks Krzysztof Wilewski. |
Wives of veterans decided to take part in a photo shoot, using it as a way to tell their stories. The result of that project is an amazing calendar. |
In the 21st century, the most important weapon are no longer missiles, tanks or fighters. It is information. Present-day technologies allow for quite accurate forecast of the probability of attack or war outbreak. |
With Piotr Sikora about minehunters of new generation, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and remotely-controlled platforms operating on sea surface talks Łukasz Zalesiński. |
With Jędrzej Czerep on the chances of reaching stabilization in multi-ethnic Sudan, and the spirit of Maidan among people protesting against dictatorship in Khartoum, talks Małgorzata Schwarzgruber. |
Celebrated in the Polish Way, with Hope On Christmas Eve, soldiers on the front found it hard to spot the first star in the flashes of explosions and the glow of fires. Celebrating Christmas was equally difficult for their families left in the occupied country, or for captives and prisoners in POW and concentration camps. |
Polish soldiers have returned to Iraq to help its citizens rebuild the state’s defense capabilities. |
Who Leaves Traces on the Internet? Are pictures taken on military training field and posted by soldiers on social media dangerous to the army? It appears that even quite insignificant data we publish online can pose threat.
They Train Together, They Fight Together The soldiers of the Commando Special Forces Group (Jednostka Wojskowa Komandosów – JWK) have been stationing in Afghanistan for over a dozen years. Four years ago, they started training the Afghan Police National Mission Unit (NMU). According to the mandate of the “Resolute Support” mission, they also support their partners in combat. |
With Justyna Gotkowska about the EU defense pillar, NATO-bis and transatlantic tensions talks Małgorzata Schwarzgruber and Tadeusz Wróbel. |
Filmmakers often ask the army for support. Recently, seamen from Gdynia helped with making a film about the mysterious disappearance of the most famous Polish submarine. |
When the 27th Volhynian Home Army Infantry Division was created in January 1944, it was joined by... a battalion of the German Hilfspolizei, made up of Polish volunteers who wanted to obtain weapons and uniforms from the Germans. |
November 7, October 28, or, after all, November 11? Why are we celebrating regaining independence on this particular day?
Only in Poznan you can see a unique collection of historic tanks, cannons and self-propelled guns. |
National defense capabilities cannot rely exclusively on soldiers in active service. The outcome of a task often depends on the engagement of reservists. |
With Łukasz Kulesa on who is to blame for the failure of the Treaty on Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) and the problems connected with arms control, talk Małgorzata Schwarzgruber and Tadeusz Wróbel. |
They can lead people and act under the pressure of time, they know foreign languages, often have expertise in fields where specialists are hard to find. Former soldiers are a real catch on the labor market.
In August 1944, during the Warsaw Uprising, Lieutenant Johannes Groenewald from South Africa was flying over the city with supply drops. His aircraft was shot down over the territory of occupied Poland and he spent six months among the insurgents.
Rescue Like You Would in a War Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have changed military medicine. Now, the uniformed medics’ knowledge is more and more often used in the civilian environment.
With American soldiers serving at the military hospital in Landstuhl on the differences between the work of a medic and a paramedic, and on the specific character of work on missions, talks Michał Zieliński. |
Piotr Korczyński talks with Józef Kłyk about the Silesian western, experiences from the “Hubal” movie set, the Silesian uprisings, and the dramatic fate of the Silesian people during World War II. |
With Norbert Bąk on what you can see from 10,000 meters above ground and the spirit of cooperation on board AWACS talks Łukasz Zalesiński. |
Piotr Korczyński and Tadeusz Wróbel talk with Janusz Odziemkowski, Jerzy Kirszak and Jakub Polit about all scenarios of September ‘39. |
An aviation pioneer, one of the first military pilots, an engineer and inventor; the first person in history to fly an aircraft over the Arctic. |
With Marcin Piotrowski about the allies and adversaries of Iran, his political ambitions, military potential and internal situation talks Tadeusz Wróbel.
With Ewa Ponińska on the Warsaw Uprising and the daring operation, for which she received the Virtuti Militari, talks Małgorzata Schwarzgruber. |
Why buy bombers, fighters and air support machines for various branches of the armed forces, if we can equip them with one multirole aircraft? This is the exactly the aim of the modernization program executed in the US Army, which has led to the development of the F-35 Lightning II. |
Polish soldiers are returning to Lebanon. This operation, however, is very different from the mission they took part in ten years ago.
A dozen or so complex missions, tens of hours spent in the air – Polish F-16 fighter pilots trained in Spain. |
Patryk Kugiel – about a radical change of alliances in South Asia, the eternal conflict over Kashmir and the potential nuclear war – talks to Tadeusz Wróbel.
A Wave of Alliances |
Navy ships and air force maneuvers, redeployment of troops and equipment, airborne assault drills – NATO has never before marked its presence on the Baltic Sea so intensively. It is a reaction to Russia’s increasingly aggressive policy. Has the small water area enclosed by the Danish straits become the new geopolitical hotspot? |
With the JW GROM medics – on how parachute jumping to a wounded operator is only the beginning, and how medical assistance in the special forces is provided – talks Ewa Korsak. |
In Mirosławiec, the locals don’t complain on the presence of the American. They breathe life into this small town – economically and socially. |
Air-Landing Outside Comfort Zone The goal of such exercises as Exercise Immediate Response 2019 is not only to test how logistics works in NATO structures. It is also the most faithful imitation of a battlefield. |
Soldiers of allied armies are interested in our country’s history. They say that it helps them understand Poles better, but also makes them aware of why they have been deployed to Poland. |
This run honors soldiers who died on missions. |
Conflicts in Afghanistan, Syria, and Ukraine proved the usefulness of drones in the army. It seems that their importance on the modern battlefield will continue to grow. |
With Wojciech Górecki about the Russian-Chinese game, Moscow’s strategy and about preventing burano talks Małgorzata Schwarzgruber. |
They win people over. They inspire, motivate, set objectives. They are present not only in the military, but also in politics, business, and sport.
Don’t Be Stupid, Don’t Get Killed With Antoni Łapiński about dramatic moments at Monte Cassino and the winning streak of Polish soldiers talks Piotr Korczyński. |
You Don’t Get to Choose Your Tasks Here The F-16 fighters are the stars of the 8th rotation of the Polish Military Contingent Orlik (PMC Orlik) . The mission has been a success due to the hard work of many people, not only pilots. |
Despite the ousting of the Islamic State from its last controlled territory in Syria, the Jihadists have not been defeated there. This is not only about sleeper cells but also about the Al-Qaeda emirate in Idlib Governorate. |
Although they Perish, the Memory of them Remains Thanks to combatants, we can boast multidimensional, colorful history, say Special Forces soldiers. They also add that although they may be generations apart, they are all connected by the love of their fatherland. |
Małgorzata Schwarzgruber talks to Łukasz Fyderk about the black-and-white game and three-way alliances in the Middle East. |
Life Enchanted in Museum Display Case Until her death, she waited for her beloved husband to come back home. His name was on the list of the Katyń massacre victims. Years later, the Military Policy major identified an officer’s badge found in the mass grave in Kharkov.
There are many legends surrounding SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) courses organized in the USA. Americans who serve in elite units share some facts about them. |
Why did Turkish soldiers suffer a terrible defeat although they were equipped with one of the best and most modern combat tools? |
With Grzegorz Kostrzewa-Zorbas about the weakness of the Alliance in time of security, its power – in time of threat, and the world without NATO talks Małgorzata Schwarzgruber. |
Brunssum, or welcome to the Netherlands You’ll find that the most difficult part is to admit, “I want to go”. If you manage, your life will turn upside down in an instant. A new home, a foreign language. But once everything falls into place, you become aware that you are at the heart of NATO. And this is an experience you’ll find difficult to compare with any other. |
When the North Korean army moved towards Seoul on June 25, 1950, the world held its breath. This was great news for the Polish authorities in exile – there was hope for the renunciation of the communist dictatorship in Poland. |
Poland joined NATO on March 12, 1999. However, fighter pilots celebrate the anniversary a little later. |
A Biting and Tracking Commando They will descend from a helicopter, jump with parachutes, and take part in high-risk operations. Combat dogs have been introduced to service by the Commando Military Unit (CMU). |
Step ahead in a different world Paratroopers from Bielsko-Biała left for their first NATO mission only three months after Poland had joined the North Atlantic alliance. They set off to Kosovo as part of the international peacekeeping force KFOR. |
Sun Tzu argued already at the turn of the 6th and 5th century BC that the key to victory is to enter the enemy’s mind. However, thanks to breaking the monopoly for the official flow of information and galloping technological development, the role of information warfare has never been as significant as it is currently. |
With Marta Kowalska on why disinformation is more important than fake news, and on what is behind Russian propaganda talk Magdalena Kowalska-Sendek and Robert Sendek. |
Hunt for “the Butcher of Vukovar” When Jacques Paul Klein was commanding the UN mission in Slavonia, he personally selected GROM soldiers to take part in an extremely important operation. |
Although it is hard to believe, Polish Mi-24 pilots have trained on the simulator of the said helicopter for the first time in 2018. |
When Maj. Mieczysław Pruszyński recalled people of various nationalities with whom the soldiers of the Independent Carpathian Rifle Brigade were cooperating during World War II, next to Australians, New Zealanders, Indians, Frenchmen, Englishmen and Afrikaners, he mentioned the Foreign Legion as a completely a separate "nation". It is a part of the French army, but it shaped its soldiers according to its own military traditions. What makes the legionaries a separate military nation? |
With Konrad Konefał on final tests of the ORP Ślązak patrol vessel, and on how building a new ship to serve in NATO forces will help the shipyard obtain contracts in Poland and abroad, talks Łukasz Zalesiński. |
They say each of us has a soul of a warrior. |
Will NATO increase its military presence on the Black Sea? |
Those Who Were Supposed to Fight Went To Fight With Bogusław Polak about the phenomenon of people who won themselves a piece of homeland talked Łukasz Zalesiński. |
Patagonia Does not Forgive Mistakes When you take part in one of the hardest races in the world, you have to be certain you can endure the worst weather and take on the biggest challenge. |
“Projekt Wojownik” (Project Warrior) is more than martial arts training. It is also about psychological support and integration within veteran environment. |
An inspiration for the scriptwriters of the excellent The Dirty Dozen war movie was the story of the actual military unit, which was formed partially by the group of Polish soldiers.
The year of 2018 will be historically remembered as the one which confirmed – with extreme might – the reality of a thesis that the Near and Middle East are the core of world geopolitics – regardless of whatever currently is going on in Europe, South Asia or the Far East. |
With Łukasz Fyderek on complicated political, economic, military and cultural conditions influencing international relations talks Tadeusz Wróbel.
For the ORP “Gen. K. Pułaski” frigate, it has been one of the most crucial tests for a decade: launching missiles, a six-week training in the Royal Navy’s center, and the participation in NATO Trident Juncture 2018 Exercise. |
With two sisters - Krystyna Olchowa and Ludwika Torowskaya – about Wola Massacre, about their service as runners in Warsaw Uprising, their nightmare of Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination and concentration camp, and about the years spent in the Soviet Union talks Anna Dąbrowska. |
Athens Flying Week in Greece has ended the season of international military air shows in Europe. Meanwhile, the Polish pilots have already received invitations for the next year from the organizers of shows from all over the world. |
This year’s “Trident Juncture” is the biggest NATO exercise since 2002. Poles took part in this great test of the defensive capabilities of the Alliance. |
With Mateusz M. Kłagisz on political unrest in Iran and rivalry for the title of the most important player in the region talks Robert Sendek.
Idlib Governorate is the last Syria’s territory of significance which is controlled by rebels. Taking it over may take months and cost thousands of victims.
With Andrzej Reudowicz on the preparations for NATO exercises and response to threats which result from the changing international situation talks Łukasz Zalesiński. |
Prof. Andrzej Chwalba, Dr. Dariusz Fabisz and Prof. Janusz Odziemkowski debate over the problems while forming the Polish Army, about eliminating the autonomy inside the army, or boosting the morale of soldiers. |
Film Frames from the War Front After the outbreak of World War I in 1914, alongside soldiers the first cameramen went to the front. Some of them were Poles. |
With Jan Mela on how his physical disability did not end his physical activity, and how to overcome the limitations that are in your head talks Paulina Glińska. |
The injured and wounded soldiers of the world meet at the Invictus Games Sydney 2018. For the first time, with the Polish Invictus Team. |
Sometimes motivation and determination can help overcome physical limitations. |
Rhonda Lee Crew tells Michał Zieliński about her personal battles won long before she decided to compete in the Invictus Games. |
With the soldiers of the Polish Military Contingent in Latvia on the day-to-day cooperation with fellow troops of different nationalities talks Magdalena Miernicka. |
The Zawisza Czarny Brigade versus the 17th Mechanized Brigade? The fratricidal battle took place during the Namejs-18 manoeuvres, one of the largest that has taken place in Latvia so far. |
Łukasz Zalesiński discusses with Władysław Szarski about why Admiral Józef Unrug suddenly forgot the German language and bought a ship for the Polish navy. |
I want to take the army out of the comfort zone Maciej Chilczuk and Marcin Górka talked with Rajmund T. Andrzejczak on the readiness of soldiers for changes, the introduction of the slogan "speed is key" in the army and a new model of commanding. |
The United States of America Have It Their Way President Donald Trump approved the way the US Department of State had implemented his administration’s plan to intensify the US arms export sale. |
They would run night and day to honor independent Poland – a very special relay race by soldiers and employees of the Territorial Defense Force, who ran 1,100 km along the Queen of Polish Rivers – the Vistula River. |
Raid on Fraustadt in 1939: Polish tankettes invading German town.
Małgorzata Schwarzgruber talks with Ziemowit Budko about sport competition for the disabled. |
Adrenaline, speed and dreams coming true "Rattler" first sat at the controls of the F-16 ten years ago, "Goose" and "Stag" are at the beginning of their careers. They are split by their aerial generation. They are combined by the pride of being F-16 pilots.
Łukasz Zalesiński talks to Andrzej Fałkowski about the meanders of military diplomacy and difficult negotiations during NATO summits.
I Still Remember My First Flight… With Jerzy Główczewski, the last living Polish fighter pilot who fought in WWII, talks Piotr Korczyński.
They were very intense two weeks. Filled with exercise, training, but also massages and rehabilitation treatments from early morning to late afternoon. Injured veterans met at the Training and Fitness Centre in Mrągowo, where they exercised under the professional supervision of coaches, who also train Polish paralympians. They played sitting volleyball, trained archery, practiced discus throwing and shot put, they rowed, swam and cycled. |
Polish seamen wrote a splendid chapter in the history of warfare from the first shots of WWII fired on the coast until the last battles of the Atlantic Campaign in the spring of 1945. However, not much is said about their participation in the Warsaw Uprising.
With Michał Baranowski on the detachment of US troops in Poland, and on the unity of Allies talks Małgorzata Schwarzgruber. |
“Poland, the USA, Great Britain, Romania and Croatia – troops of these states’ armies must work together like fingers of one hand, always ready to make a fist and strike,” says BrigGen Jarosław Gromadziński, commander of the 15th Mechanized Brigade, about the cooperation of soldiers of Allied armies. The Brigade is the unit that cooperates with NATO Battle Group Poland (BGPOL) that has been stationing in our country for over a year. |
At 9:30 on January 12, 2017, a column of vehicles of the American Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) crossed the German-Polish border at the crossing in Olszyna. The soldiers were welcomed by the then commander of the 11th “Lubuska” Armored Cavalry Division, MajGen Jarosław Mika. Thus Operation Atlantic Resolve began, which aimed at strengthening the eastern flank of NATO. The 3rd ABCT was deployed in Żagań and nearby towns: Świętoszów, Skwierzyna, Bolesławiec, as well as at Camp Karliki of the Żagań training area. |
Injured veterans who want to take part in Invictus Games in Sydney have been working on their physical fitness for several months now. Official presentation of 15 competitors took place during central Veteran Day celebrations in Kielce. |
With the soldiers of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment serving in the NATO Battalion Combat Group on endurance, character and making friends talks Michał Zieliński.